Best of Rabindra Jayanti Celebrations

Little angels celebrating Rabindra Jayanti.
Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School
Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School


Seraphim Nursery School, Konnagar
25th of Baishak - Viswa Kabi Rabindranath Thakur

The day marks birth anniversary of the most influential Bengali ever, Rabindranath Tagore. Not only was he the first Asian to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, he is also distinguished as the only person with two of his poems getting honoured as national anthems of two independent countries – India and Bangladesh.

At Seraphim Nursery School, Konnagar, Rabindra Jayanti is celebrated by children and teachers by singing and dance performances based on Rabindranath Tagore’s works.